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Florence Aubenas a été retenue pendant 157 jours en Irak en compagnie de son guide Hussein Hanoun al-Saadi.
Ce kidnapping a fait l'objet d'une mobilisation sans précédent, unique en France comme dans le monde.
Vous trouverez ici de nombreux éléments relatifs à cette prise d'otages :

Toutes les dépêches de l'AFP, jour après jour, des retranscriptions d'émissions de radio ou de télé, des interviews, des publications diverses tant en France que dans des journaux francophons (Suisse, Luxembourg, Belgique):
du 7 janvier 2005 au 4 mars 2005 (81 articles ou retranscriptions)
du 5 mars au 11 juin 2005 (58 articles ou retranscriptions)
à partir du 12 juin 2005 (26 articles ou retranscriptions)

Des messages de soutien traduits en anglais (initialement, dès le 24 janvier, le but de ce site était de communiquer avec des Irakiens. Des dizaines de messages de soutien postés sur le liste du quotidien Libération ont donc été traduits en anglais).

Monday, Feb. 14, 2005. 13h42 - The wounded freedom

How couldn't we think to the Human element who is reduced to silence when his calling is to inform us about the state of the world? A warlike world, often violent, but never silencious. The life always changes loudly and the journalists are attached to describe these changes. What a sublime vocation, dear Florence, when you are a witness of the present time. The risks are tremendous, even so nothing and no one seems capable of stopping your mission. Even today, that heavy silence, speaks for you and in your favour. During all conflicts, and indeed in Iraq today, villainous groups give credibility to theirs actions with pseudo-religious speeches. It will give offense to you if we confuse Islam and these war profiteers. Others have to fight and help democracy to open its eyes towards the light of a responsible consciousness.
I am and we are thinking about you and we will never keep silence on your kidnapping and the kidnapping of your guide. Freedom is an inspiration that we must always support in order that it will not disappear. Since your kidnapping, freedom is wounded and cannot speaks. Nevertheless, we have to stay optimist; we have to keep fighting in order you will be rapidly released...
We are still thinking about you and your friend, hoping for a positive solution. Yes, freedom is wounded since you disappeared and we will do all that we can do to defend you. And thus, we will not reduce your ideal of life and your convictions. We will prove that the democracy worries firstly about the oppression of an individual, however he may be. We share sorrow with your collaborators, and we support them in this painful absence. Be back as soon, we wait for your return, like an obviousness. We make confidence despite everything, at the following day, which will announce your delivery. We are ready to accomodate you and we will be patient but, determined, against that stolen freedom. Sincere thoughts and friendship with your family and all those you like and who love you. I am one of those which respect you more than all in the world!
Bruno Leroy.

21:59 Écrit par BRUNO LEROY ÉDUCATEUR-ÉCRIVAIN | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) |  Imprimer | |  del.icio.us | | Digg! Digg | |  Facebook | | | Pin it! |

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